本文整理汇总了C++中create_event函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ create_event函数的具体用法?C++ create_event怎么用?C++ create_event使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: add_prov_event
* @brief
* adds event(s) for bringing the node back up after we provision a node
* @param[in] calnedar - event list to add event(s) to
* @param[in] event_time - time of the event
* @param[in] node - node in question
* @return success/failure
* @retval 1 : on sucess
* @retval 0 : in failure/error
add_prov_event(event_list *calendar, time_t event_time, node_info *node)
timed_event *te;
if (calendar == NULL || node == NULL)
return 0;
te = create_event(TIMED_NODE_UP_EVENT, event_time, (event_ptr_t *) node,
(event_func_t) node_up_event, NULL);
if (te == NULL)
return 0;
add_event(calendar, te);
/* if the node is resv node, we need to add an event to bring the
* server version of the resv node back up
if (node->svr_node != NULL) {
te = create_event(TIMED_NODE_UP_EVENT, event_time,
(event_ptr_t *) node->svr_node, (event_func_t) node_up_event, NULL);
if (te == NULL)
return 0;
add_event(calendar, te);
return 1;
开发者ID:altair4,项目名称:pbspro,代码行数:37,代码来源:simulate.c示例2: add_dedtime_events
* @brief
* add the dedicated time events from conf
* @param[in] elist - the event list to add the dedicated time events to
* @param[in] policy - status structure for the dedicated time events
* @retval 1 : success
* @retval 0 : failure
add_dedtime_events(event_list *elist, status *policy)
int i;
timed_event *te_start;
timed_event *te_end;
if (elist == NULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_DEDTIME_SIZE && conf.ded_time[i].from != 0; i++) {
te_start = create_event(TIMED_DED_START_EVENT, conf.ded_time[i].from, policy, (event_func_t) dedtime_change, (void *) DEDTIME_START);
if (te_start == NULL)
return 0;
te_end = create_event(TIMED_DED_END_EVENT, conf.ded_time[i].to, policy, (event_func_t) dedtime_change, (void *) DEDTIME_END);
if (te_end == NULL) {
return 0;
add_event(elist, te_start);
add_event(elist, te_end);
return 1;
开发者ID:altair4,项目名称:pbspro,代码行数:37,代码来源:simulate.c示例3: analyze_data
int analyze_data(struct ftdi2s88_t *fs88, uint8_t * b, int s88_bits) {
int ret, i, k;
uint32_t c;
k = 0;
bzero(bus0_actual, sizeof(bus0_actual));
bzero(bus1_actual, sizeof(bus1_actual));
if (b[8] & S88_DATA_I) {
bus0_actual[0] = 1;
if (b[8] & S88_DATA_II)
bus1_actual[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i < s88_bits; i++) {
if ((i & 0x1f) == 0)
bus0_actual[k] <<= 1;
bus1_actual[k] <<= 1;
if (b[14 + i * 4] & S88_DATA_I)
bus0_actual[k] |= 1;
if (b[14 + i * 4] & S88_DATA_II)
bus1_actual[k] |= 1;
/* align left */
if (i & 0x1f) {
bus0_actual[k] <<= (32 - (s88_bits & 0x1f));
bus1_actual[k] <<= (32 - (s88_bits & 0x1f));
if (!fs88->background)
printf("bus0_actual[0]: 0x%08X bus1_actual[0]: 0x%08X\n", bus0_actual[0], bus1_actual[0]);
/* debouncing - tricky part */
for (i = 0; i <= 0; i++) {
c = bus0_state[i] ^ ~bus0_actual[i];
bus0_ct0[i] = ~(bus0_ct0[i] & c);
bus0_ct1[i] = bus0_ct0[i] ^ (bus0_ct1[i] & c);
/* 2 bit roll over */
c &= bus0_ct0[i] & bus0_ct1[i];
bus0_state[i] ^= c;
ret = create_event(fs88, 0, i * 32, c, bus0_actual[i]);
if (ret)
return -1;
c = bus1_state[i] ^ ~bus1_actual[i];
bus1_ct0[i] = ~(bus1_ct0[i] & c);
bus1_ct1[i] = bus1_ct0[i] ^ (bus1_ct1[i] & c);
/* 2 bit roll over */
c &= bus1_ct0[i] & bus1_ct1[i];
bus1_state[i] ^= c;
ret = create_event(fs88, 0, 256 + i * 32, c, bus1_actual[i]);
if (ret)
return -1;
return 0;
开发者ID:GBert,项目名称:railroad,代码行数:57,代码来源:ftdi2s88.c示例4: create_events
* @brief
* create_events - creates an timed_event list from running jobs
* and confirmed reservations
* @param[in] sinfo - server universe to act upon
* @return timed_event list
timed_event *
create_events(server_info *sinfo)
timed_event *events = NULL;
timed_event *te = NULL;
resource_resv **all = NULL;
int errflag = 0;
int i = 0;
time_t end = 0;
/* all_resresv is sorted such that the timed events are in the front of
* the array. Once the first non-timed event is reached, we're done
all = sinfo->all_resresv;
/* sort the all resersv list so all the timed events are in the front */
qsort(all, count_array((void **)all), sizeof(resource_resv *), cmp_events);
for (i = 0; all[i] != NULL && is_timed(all[i]); i++) {
if (all[i]->is_resv && all[i]->resv &&
all[i]->resv->resv_state == RESV_BEING_ALTERED)
/* only add a run event for a job or reservation if they're
* in a runnable state (i.e. don't add it if they're running)
if (in_runnable_state(all[i])) {
te = create_event(TIMED_RUN_EVENT, all[i]->start, all[i], NULL, NULL);
if (te == NULL) {
events = add_timed_event(events, te);
if (sinfo->use_hard_duration)
end = all[i]->start + all[i]->hard_duration;
end = all[i]->end;
te = create_event(TIMED_END_EVENT, end, all[i], NULL, NULL);
if (te == NULL) {
events = add_timed_event(events, te);
/* A malloc error was encountered, free all allocated memory and return */
if (errflag > 0) {
return 0;
return events;
开发者ID:altair4,项目名称:pbspro,代码行数:64,代码来源:simulate.c示例5: callback
Console::Console (
std::function<void (String)> callback,
Nullable<Word> output_max,
std::function<void (std::exception_ptr)> panic
) : callback(std::move(callback)), output_max(std::move(output_max)), barrier(2), panic(std::move(panic)) {
// Prepare events
try {
try {
// Start worker
t=Thread([this] () mutable { worker_func(); });
// Wait for worker thread
// to start
// Did startup fail?
if (except) {
// YES, join worker and
// throw
} catch (...) {
} catch (...) {
开发者ID:andrewphorn,项目名称:MCPP,代码行数:51,代码来源:console.cpp示例6: sync_CondInit
sync_CondInit (
thread_sCond *cp
#if defined OS_ELN
pwr_tStatus sts;
ker$create_event(&sts, cp, EVENT$CLEARED);
return sts;
#elif defined OS_LYNX && defined PWR_LYNX_30
return errno_Pstatus(pthread_cond_init(&cp->c, NULL));
#elif defined OS_POSIX
return errno_Status(pthread_cond_init(&cp->c, NULL));
#elif defined OS_VMS
return errno_Status(tis_cond_init(&cp->c));
# error Not defined for this platform !
开发者ID:jordibrus,项目名称:proview,代码行数:30,代码来源:rt_sync.c示例7: fire_event
void fire_event(HTMLDocumentNode *doc, eventid_t eid, BOOL set_event, nsIDOMNode *target, nsIDOMEvent *nsevent,
IDispatch *script_this)
HTMLEventObj *event_obj = NULL;
HTMLDOMNode *node;
if(set_event) {
hres = get_node(doc, target, TRUE, &node);
event_obj = create_event();
hres = set_event_info(event_obj, node, eid, nsevent);
if(FAILED(hres)) {
fire_event_obj(doc, eid, event_obj, target, script_this);
开发者ID:PigFlyGames,项目名称:wine,代码行数:29,代码来源:htmlevent.c示例8: Lucent_handle_dle
static int Lucent_handle_dle(char data)
switch (data)
* It appears that Lucent modems have just a single
* silence detection notification, that always reports
* as "<DLE>-s". This report indicates that silence
* exceeding the duration of the interval set with AT+VSD
* has been detected, regardless of whether there was
* previously good data or not.
* So here we override the IS_101 mapping of DLE-s to
* "NO_VOICE_ENERGY", and change it to "SILENCE_DETECTED".
* Caveat: this will break vgetty's heuristic "if <DLE>s
* was seen, there is nobody at the calling end, so let's try
* data/fax mode". So if you have a Lucent modem and want to
* do voice and data/fax on the same line, you need calling
* modems that send a CNG tone, or have the caller dial up,
* wait for a few seconds, and then send another DTMF tone
* (which will trigger data/fax mode).
* Patch by Paul Fox <[email protected]>
case 's':
开发者ID:OPSF,项目名称:uClinux,代码行数:34,代码来源:Lucent.c示例9: send
void zPacketHTTP::send(const string& hdr) const
if(hdr.size()) str_out.insert(0, hdr);
if(create_event(parent->ev_base, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST, (zPacketHTTP*) this, WRITE_TIMEOUT_SEC, WRITE_TIMEOUT_MSEC) == NULL)
{ push(); zLog::Log.write("error_zPacketHTTP::send\n"); /*cout << "error_zPacketHTTP::send" << endl;*/ }
开发者ID:jtalz,项目名称:znetlib,代码行数:7,代码来源:z_packet.cpp示例10: send_text
void zPacketHTTP::send_text(const string& hdr, const string& connection) const
str_out.insert(0, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCONTENT-TYPE:"+hdr+"\r\nContent-Length:"+ZNSTR::toString(str_out.size())+"\r\nConnection:"+connection+"\r\n\r\n");
if(create_event(parent->ev_base, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST, (zPacketHTTP*) this, WRITE_TIMEOUT_SEC, WRITE_TIMEOUT_MSEC) == NULL)
{ push(); zLog::Log.write("error_zPacketHTTP::send_text\n"); /*cout << "error_zPacketHTTP::send_text" << endl;*/ }
开发者ID:jtalz,项目名称:znetlib,代码行数:7,代码来源:z_packet.cpp示例11: send_location
void zPacketHTTP::send_location(const string& path, const string& connection) const
str_out="HTTP/1.1 303 Redirection\r\nLOCATION:http://"+path+"\r\nContent-Length:0\r\nConnection:"+connection+"\r\n\r\n";
if(create_event(parent->ev_base, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST, (zPacketHTTP*) this, WRITE_TIMEOUT_SEC, WRITE_TIMEOUT_MSEC) == NULL)
{ push(); zLog::Log.write("error_zPacketHTTP::send_location\n"); /*cout << "error_zPacketHTTP::send_location" << endl;*/ }
开发者ID:jtalz,项目名称:znetlib,代码行数:7,代码来源:z_packet.cpp示例12: send_empty
void zPacketHTTP::send_empty(const string& connection) const
str_out="HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\nContent-Type:text/html\r\nContent-Length:0\r\nConnection:"+connection+"\r\n\r\n";
if(create_event(parent->ev_base, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_WRITE | EV_PERSIST, (zPacketHTTP*) this, WRITE_TIMEOUT_SEC, WRITE_TIMEOUT_MSEC) == NULL)
{ push(); zLog::Log.write("error_zPacketHTTP::send_empty\n"); /*cout << "error_zPacketHTTP::send_empty" << endl;*/ }
开发者ID:jtalz,项目名称:znetlib,代码行数:7,代码来源:z_packet.cpp示例13: main
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
char err[SOCKET_ERR_LEN];
pool = buffer_pool_create(100);
prev_recv = prev_send = 0;
recv_total = send_total = 0;
int sfd = tcp_server_serve(err, "localhost", 3456, SOMAXCONN);
if (sfd < 0) {
printf("%d %s\n", sfd, err);
return 0;
if (set_nonblock(err, sfd) != 0) {
printf("%s\n", err);
return 0;
if (set_tcp_nodelay(err, sfd, 1) != 0) {
printf("%s\n", err);
return 0;
event_loop_t *loop = event_loop_create(100, 10);
assert(loop != NULL);
create_timer(loop, 1000, print_info, NULL);
create_event(loop, sfd, EV_RDABLE, server_accept_cb, NULL);
开发者ID:SerhoLiu,项目名称:libakio,代码行数:32,代码来源:demo.c示例14: initServer
void initServer(char *host, int port) {
char *msg;
int listendfd = anetTcpServer(msg, port, host);
if (listendfd <= 0) {
lookup_log(LOG_DEBUG, "create server error %s\n", msg);
lookup_log(LOG_DEBUG, "listened %s:%d\n", host, port);
if (anetNonBlock(msg, listendfd) < 0) {
lookup_log(LOG_DEBUG, "set noblocking server error %s\n", msg);
pool = create_event(1024);
add_event(pool, listendfd, EPOLLIN, serverAccept);
while (1) {
lookup_log(LOG_DEBUG, "polling\n");
int num = handle_event(pool, 30);
int i;
for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
int fd = pool->epollEv[i].data.fd;
noti_chain_callback cb = pool->events[fd].cb;
(*cb) (&pool->events[fd], fd);
开发者ID:wudikua,项目名称:lookup,代码行数:26,代码来源:server.c示例15: create_event
static void *create_timer(plcba_cbcio *cbcio)
PLCBA_c_event *cevent = create_event(cbcio);
cevent->evtype = PLCBA_EVTYPE_TIMER;
//warn("Created timer %p", cevent);
return cevent;