本文整理汇总了Java中javax.faces.component.UIComponent.getChildren方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java UIComponent.getChildren方法的具体用法?Java UIComponent.getChildren怎么用?Java UIComponent.getChildren使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类javax.faces.component.UIComponent
示例1: resetUIInputChildren
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Reset the values of all UIInput children. This might be necessary after a
* validation error to successfully process an AJAX request. See [Bug 5449]
* and http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/ClearInputComponents
* @param uiComponent
* the root component to be processed.
public static void resetUIInputChildren(UIComponent uiComponent) {
if (uiComponent != null) {
List<UIComponent> children = uiComponent.getChildren();
for (UIComponent child : children) {
if (child instanceof UIInput) {
UIInput uiInput = (UIInput) child;
} else {
开发者ID:servicecatalog,项目名称:oscm,代码行数:24,代码来源:JSFUtils.java示例2: _findChildById
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static UIComponent _findChildById(UIComponent uic, String id)
int numChildren = uic.getChildCount();
if (numChildren == 0)
return null;
List<UIComponent> children = uic.getChildren();
UIComponent child = null;
for (int i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
child = children.get(i);
if (id.equals(child.getId()))
return child;
return null;
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:17,代码来源:ChangeBean.java示例3: getChildForId
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Given a parent component and the identifier value for the child, looks up among
* the children for a child with the specified identifier and returns.
* Returns null if there were to be no such child
* @param parent the parent UIComponent
* @param childId the identifier value of child to be searched in the parent's
* children.
* @param identifier the identifier type
public static UIComponent getChildForId(
UIComponent parent,
String childId,
String identifier)
if (parent == null)
return null;
int numChildren = parent.getChildCount();
if (numChildren == 0)
return null;
List<UIComponent> children = parent.getChildren();
for (int i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
UIComponent child = children.get(i);
Object attrVal = child.getAttributes().get(identifier);
if ( childId.equals(attrVal) )
return child;
return null;
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:35,代码来源:ChangeUtils.java示例4: _renderChildren
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void _renderChildren(
FacesContext context,
UIComponent component,
NodeData parentNode
) throws IOException
int i = 0;
for(UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)component.getChildren())
if (child.isRendered())
// Tell the parent node - if there is one - which child we're rendering
if (parentNode != null)
parentNode.currentChild = i;
encodeChild(context, child);
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:25,代码来源:ColumnGroupRenderer.java示例5: restoreChildStampState
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Restore the stamp state of just the children of the given component
* in the given table.
public static void restoreChildStampState(
FacesContext context,
UIComponent stamp,
UIXCollection table,
Object stampState)
if (stampState == null || !(stampState instanceof Map))
List<UIComponent> kids = stamp.getChildren();
Map<String, Object> state = (Map<String, Object>)stampState;
for (UIComponent kid : kids)
Object childState = state.get(kid.getId());
if (childState == null)
table.restoreStampState(context, kid, childState);
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:27,代码来源:StampState.java示例6: getRenderedChildCount
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Returns the total number of children with rendered=="true".
static public int getRenderedChildCount(
UIComponent component)
int count = component.getChildCount();
if (count == 0)
return 0;
int total = 0;
for(UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)component.getChildren())
if (child.isRendered())
return total;
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:23,代码来源:CoreRenderer.java示例7: changeComponent
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* {@inheritDoc}
public void changeComponent(UIComponent uiComponent)
if (uiComponent.getChildCount() == 0)
List<UIComponent> children = uiComponent.getChildren();
children.remove(ChangeUtils.getChildForId(uiComponent, _childId, _identifier));
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:14,代码来源:RemoveChildComponentChange.java示例8: _findAndEncodeChild
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Find and encodes recursivly the child specified.
* If the specified child can't be found, doesn't do anything.
* @param context the facesContext object
* @param parent which contains the child to be encoded
* @param disclosedChildId id of the child which occurs in parent
* and has to be encoded recursively.
* @throws IOException when any IO error while writing markup
private static void _findAndEncodeChild(FacesContext context,
UIComponent parent,
String disclosedChildId)
throws IOException
UIComponent disclosedChild = _findChild(context,
if (disclosedChild == null)
// Paint container span for showDetail child
ResponseWriter out = context.getResponseWriter();
out.startElement("span", disclosedChild);
// Render the children of disclosedChild since the child is disclosed.
if (disclosedChild.isRendered())
if (disclosedChild.getChildCount() > 0)
for(UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)disclosedChild.getChildren())
RenderUtils.encodeRecursive(context, child);
// end container span for showDetail child
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:47,代码来源:ShowOneListRendererBase.java示例9: encodeAllChildren
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected void encodeAllChildren(
FacesContext context,
UIComponent component
) throws IOException
int childCount = component.getChildCount();
if (childCount == 0)
for (UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)component.getChildren())
encodeChild(context, child);
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:16,代码来源:CoreRenderer.java示例10: createComponent
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Re-create a component from a structure object
public UIComponent createComponent()
throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,
Class<?> clazz = ClassLoaderUtils.loadClass(_class);
UIComponent component = (UIComponent) clazz.newInstance();
if (_id != null)
// Create any facets
if (_facets != null)
Map<String, UIComponent> facets = component.getFacets();
for (int i = 0 ; i < _facets.size(); i += 2)
UIComponent facet = ((Structure) _facets.get(i + 1)).
facets.put((String)_facets.get(i), facet);
// Create any children
if (_children != null)
List<UIComponent> children = component.getChildren();
for (int i = 0 ; i < _children.size(); i++)
UIComponent child = _children.get(i).createComponent();
return component;
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:38,代码来源:Structure.java示例11: _encodeChildren
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Render all the children of the PanelGroup
private void _encodeChildren(
FacesContext context,
UIComponent component,
boolean isVertical,
boolean isHorizontal
) throws IOException
ResponseWriter rw = context.getResponseWriter();
UIComponent separator = getFacet(component,
boolean needSeparator = false;
for(UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)component.getChildren())
if (!child.isRendered())
if (needSeparator)
if (isVertical)
rw.startElement("div", null);
encodeSeparator(context, separator, isHorizontal);
if (isVertical)
encodeChild(context, child, isHorizontal);
needSeparator = true;
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:36,代码来源:PanelGroupLayoutRenderer.java示例12: cacheColumnHeaderFooterFacets
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
static void cacheColumnHeaderFooterFacets(UIComponent parent, Map<UIComponent, Boolean> cache)
List<UIComponent> children = parent.getChildren();
for (UIComponent child : children)
if (child instanceof UIXColumn)
cacheHeaderFooterFacets(child, cache);
cacheColumnHeaderFooterFacets(child, cache);
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:13,代码来源:TableUtils.java示例13: renderKids
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected void renderKids(
FacesContext context,
RenderingContext rc,
TableRenderingContext trc,
UIComponent column
) throws IOException
boolean renderedOne = false;
for(UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)column.getChildren())
if (child.isRendered())
// Put each component on a separate line, separated by a div
if (renderedOne)
ResponseWriter rw = context.getResponseWriter();
rw.startElement("div", null);
renderedOne = true;
encodeChild(context, child);
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:30,代码来源:ColumnRenderer.java示例14: getSelectItems
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* @param component UIComponent
* @param converter For UISelectItem and UIXSelectItem children of the
* component, use the converter to convert itemValue Strings
* when creating the javax.faces.model.SelectItem Object if
* the child's value is not an instanceof SelectItem.
* @param filteredItems to exclude SelectItemGroup components
* @return a List of javax.faces.model.SelectItem Objects that we get or
* create from the component's children.
* OR
* java.util.Collections.emptyList if component has no children or
* the component isn't a javax.faces.component.ValueHolder. else
static public List<SelectItem> getSelectItems(
UIComponent component,
Converter converter,
boolean filteredItems)
int childCount = component.getChildCount();
if (childCount == 0)
return Collections.emptyList();
// Make sure we haven't accidentally stumbled outside of
// the UIXSelectXXX world.
if (!(component instanceof ValueHolder))
return Collections.emptyList();
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
List<SelectItem> items = null;
for(UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)component.getChildren())
// f:selectItem
if (child instanceof UISelectItem)
if (items == null)
items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(childCount);
(UISelectItem) child,
// f:selectItems
else if (child instanceof UISelectItems)
if (items == null)
items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(childCount);
addSelectItems((UISelectItems) child, items, filteredItems );
// tr:selectItem
else if (child instanceof UIXSelectItem)
if (items == null)
items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(childCount);
(UIXSelectItem) child,
if (items == null)
return Collections.emptyList();
return items;
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:myfaces-trinidad,代码行数:74,代码来源:SelectItemSupport.java示例15: getSelectItemCount
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* @param component UIComponent
* @return item count
static public int getSelectItemCount(
UIComponent component)
int itemCount = 0;
int childCount = component.getChildCount();
if (childCount == 0)
return itemCount;
// Make sure we haven't accidentally stumbled outside of
// the UIXSelectXXX world.
if (!(component instanceof ValueHolder))
return itemCount;
for(UIComponent child : (List<UIComponent>)component.getChildren())
if (child instanceof UISelectItem ||
child instanceof UIXSelectItem)
// f:selectItems
else if (child instanceof UISelectItems)
Object value = ((UISelectItems)child).getValue();
if (value instanceof SelectItem)
else if (value instanceof Object[])
Object[] array = (Object[]) value;
itemCount = itemCount + array.length;
else if (value instanceof Collection)
itemCount = itemCount + ((Collection) value).size();
else if (value instanceof Map)
itemCount = itemCount + ((Map) value).size();
return itemCount;