本文整理汇总了C++中Node::Clone方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Node::Clone方法的具体用法?C++ Node::Clone怎么用?C++ Node::Clone使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Node
Llist& Llist::operator = (Llist& rho)
if (rho.GetFirst() == NULL)
return *this;
// check to see if this object is equal to the right hand object
if (this != &rho)
Node* oldNode = rho.GetFirst();
//clone the old head node
_headNode = oldNode->Clone();
//get the next old node
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
//clone the next old node
Node* newNode = oldNode->Clone();
//set Next Node for head node
//set prev node for next node to the new _headNode
//get the pointer to the next node in the old list
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
while (oldNode != NULL)
//clone the old Node
Node* nextNode = oldNode->Clone();
//set the next node of newNode
//set the prev node of nextNode to newNode
//point newNode to nextNode //TODO check this
newNode = nextNode;
//get the pointer to the next node in the old list
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
_endNode = newNode;
_nodeCount = rho.GetCount();
//Return a reference to this object.
return *this;
开发者ID:spikesynergy,项目名称:CS1410,代码行数:44,代码来源:Llist.cpp示例2: typeid
Llist::Llist(Llist& lst)
//--- Test for empty list ------------
if (lst._headNode == NULL)
// check to see if this object is equal to the right hand object
if (this != &lst)
Node* oldNode = lst.GetFirst();
//clone the old head node
_headNode = oldNode->Clone();
//get the next old node
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
//clone the next old node
Node* newNode = oldNode->Clone();
//set Next Node for head node
//set prev node for next node to the new _headNode
//get the pointer to the next node in the old list
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
while (oldNode != NULL)
//clone the old Node
Node* nextNode = oldNode->Clone();
//set the next node of newNode
//set the prev node of nextNode to newNode
//point newNode to nextNode //TODO check this
newNode = nextNode;
//get the pointer to the next node in the old list
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
_endNode = newNode;
_nodeCount = lst.GetCount();
//print out the copy constructor message
string classname = typeid(*this).name();
cout << classname << COPY_CONSTRUCTOR << endl;
开发者ID:spikesynergy,项目名称:CS1410,代码行数:43,代码来源:Llist.cpp示例3: CloneNode
bool CloneNode()
Node *srcNode = new Node();
srcNode->SetName("Tested Node");
Node *dstNullNode = dynamic_cast<Node *>(srcNode->Clone());
Node *dstNode = NULL;
dstNode = dynamic_cast<Node *>(srcNode->Clone(dstNode));
if(dstNode && dstNullNode)
bool compareResult = (dstNode->GetName() == dstNullNode->GetName());
return compareResult;
return false;
开发者ID:abaradulkin,项目名称:dava.framework,代码行数:22,代码来源:CloneTest.cpp示例4: Clone
Llist* Llist::Clone()
//clone this list object, return a pointer to the clone
Node* oldNode = _headNode;
//clone the old head node
Node* newHead = oldNode->Clone();
//get the next old node
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
//clone the next old node
Node* newNode = oldNode->Clone();
//set Next Node for head new head node
//set prev node for next node to the new _headNode
//get the pointer to the next node in the old list
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
//copy the rest of the list
while (oldNode != NULL)
//clone the old Node
Node* nextNode = oldNode->Clone();
//set the next node of newNode
//set the prev node of nextNode to newNode
//point newNode to nextNode //TODO check this
newNode = nextNode;
//get the pointer to the next node in the old list
oldNode = oldNode->GetNextNode();
Node* newEnd = newNode;
Llist* newList = new Llist(_nodeCount);
//Return a reference to the new Llist
return newList;
开发者ID:spikesynergy,项目名称:CS1410,代码行数:38,代码来源:Llist.cpp示例5: TreeCacheLookup
// Note that we don't provide any mechanism for invalidating cache entries
// when the file on disk is modified in a way that it doesn't match what
// we have loaded in cache memory.
Node* Context::TreeCacheLookup( const Path& path )
if( !treeCacheMap )
return 0;
std::string key;
if( !path.GetPath( key, true ) )
return 0;
TreeCacheMap::iterator iter = treeCacheMap->find( key );
if( iter == treeCacheMap->end() )
return 0;
Node* root = iter->second;
Node::CopyParameters copyParameters;
Node* clone = root->Clone( *this, copyParameters );
return clone;
开发者ID:spencerparkin,项目名称:Junk,代码行数:22,代码来源:Context.cpp示例6: Controller
// the constructor
CCDIKSolver::CCDIKSolver(Actor* actor, Node* startNode, Node* endNode, bool cloneNodes) : Controller( actor )
mStartNode = startNode;
mEndNode = endNode;
// if we want to clone the IK chain
if (cloneNodes)
mEndNode_Clone = endNode->Clone(actor);
Node *tempNode = mEndNode_Clone;
Node *i = endNode->GetParent();
while (i != startNode)
tempNode = tempNode->GetParent();
i = i->GetParent();
mStartNode_Clone = mStartNode->Clone(actor);
// when cloning nodes, one iteration is enough to find the new solution
mMaxIterations = 1;
mEndNode_Clone = mEndNode;
mStartNode_Clone = mStartNode;
// The solver usually doesn't take more than 10 iterations to find the solution if its in reach.
// Its usually below 5. If this is set higher, then the solver will meerly take longer to realise
// that it cant reach the goal.
mMaxIterations = 10;
mHasSolution = false;
mDistThreshold = 0.1f;
mDoJointLimits = true;
mGoal.Set(0, 0, 0);
开发者ID:ak4hige,项目名称:myway3d,代码行数:45,代码来源:CCDIKSolver.cpp示例7: metaDataCreatorFunc
/*virtual*/ bool Node::Copy( const Node* node, Context& context, const CopyParameters& copyParameters )
if( copyParameters.copyIdentityInfo )
// Copy the name.
name = node->name;
// Copy the explanations. In the idea of clonnig a template tree,
// this explanation text will become very redundant and in that way,
// potentially take up a lot of space unecessarily.
for( int index = 0; index < EXPLANATION_COUNT; index++ )
explanation[ index ] = node->explanation[ index ];
// We don't know who are parent is yet unless we're just copying the node value.
if( copyParameters.copyChildrenDisposition != COPY_NODE_AND_LEAVE_CHILDREN_UNTOUCHED )
parent = 0;
// Remove children in preparation for copying over a new set of children, or do so if told to do so.
if( copyParameters.copyChildrenDisposition == COPY_NODE_AND_CHILDREN || copyParameters.copyChildrenDisposition == COPY_NODE_AND_REMOVE_ALL_CHILDREN )
// Clone the children of the given node if told to do so.
if( node->children && copyParameters.copyChildrenDisposition == COPY_NODE_AND_CHILDREN )
children = new std::list< Node* >();
for( List::iterator iter = node->children->begin(); iter != node->children->end(); iter++ )
Node* child = *iter;
Node* clone = child->Clone( context, copyParameters );
if( !clone )
return context.IssueError( "Failed to clone node \"%s\" of type \"%s\".", child->name.c_str(), child->GetType().c_str() );
children->push_back( clone );
clone->parent = this;
// Clone any meta-data.
if( node->metaData && copyParameters.copyMetaData )
if( !metaData )
Context::MetaDataCreatorFunc metaDataCreatorFunc = context.GetMetaDataCreatorFunc();
if( metaDataCreatorFunc )
metaData = metaDataCreatorFunc();
return context.IssueError( "Failed to copy meta-data of node \"%s\" of type \"%s\", because there is no meta-data creator function.", name.c_str(), GetType().c_str() );
if( !metaData )
return context.IssueError( "Failed to copy meta-data of node \"%s\" of type \"%s\", because the meta-data creator failed.", name.c_str(), GetType().c_str() );
metaData->PostCreate( this );
if( !metaData->Copy( node->metaData, context ) )
return context.IssueError( "Failed to copy meta-data of node \"%s\" of type \"%s\".", name.c_str(), GetType().c_str() );
return true;
开发者ID:spencerparkin,项目名称:Junk,代码行数:63,代码来源:Node.cpp示例8: Scene
auto* ballBody = ball->CreateComponent<RigidBody2D>();
auto* ballShape = ball->CreateComponent<CollisionCircle2D>(); // Create circle shape
ballShape->SetRadius(0.16f); // Set radius
ballShape->SetDensity(1.0f); // Set shape density (kilograms per meter squared)
ballShape->SetFriction(0.5f); // Set friction
ballShape->SetRestitution(0.6f); // Set restitution: make it bounce
// Create a polygon
Node* polygon = scene_->CreateChild("Polygon");
polygon->SetPosition(Vector3(1.6f, -2.0f, 0.0f));
auto* polygonSprite = polygon->CreateComponent<StaticSprite2D>();
auto* polygonBody = polygon->CreateComponent<RigidBody2D>();
auto* polygonShape = polygon->CreateComponent<CollisionPolygon2D>();
// TODO: create from ea::vector<Vector2> using SetVertices()
polygonShape->SetVertexCount(6); // Set number of vertices (mandatory when using SetVertex())
polygonShape->SetVertex(0, Vector2(-0.8f, -0.3f));
polygonShape->SetVertex(1, Vector2(0.5f, -0.8f));
polygonShape->SetVertex(2, Vector2(0.8f, -0.3f));
polygonShape->SetVertex(3, Vector2(0.8f, 0.5f));
polygonShape->SetVertex(4, Vector2(0.5f, 0.9f));
polygonShape->SetVertex(5, Vector2(-0.5f, 0.7f));
polygonShape->SetDensity(1.0f); // Set shape density (kilograms per meter squared)
polygonShape->SetFriction(0.3f); // Set friction
polygonShape->SetRestitution(0.0f); // Set restitution (no bounce)
// Create a ConstraintDistance2D
CreateFlag("ConstraintDistance2D", -4.97f, 3.0f); // Display Text3D flag
Node* boxDistanceNode = box->Clone();
Node* ballDistanceNode = ball->Clone();
auto* ballDistanceBody = ballDistanceNode->GetComponent<RigidBody2D>();
boxDistanceNode->SetPosition(Vector3(-4.5f, 2.0f, 0.0f));
ballDistanceNode->SetPosition(Vector3(-3.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f));
auto* constraintDistance = boxDistanceNode->CreateComponent<ConstraintDistance2D>(); // Apply ConstraintDistance2D to box
constraintDistance->SetOtherBody(ballDistanceBody); // Constrain ball to box
// Make the constraint soft (comment to make it rigid, which is its basic behavior)
// Create a ConstraintFriction2D ********** Not functional. From Box2d samples it seems that 2 anchors are required, Urho2D only provides 1, needs investigation ***********
CreateFlag("ConstraintFriction2D", 0.03f, 1.0f); // Display Text3D flag
Node* boxFrictionNode = box->Clone();
Node* ballFrictionNode = ball->Clone();
boxFrictionNode->SetPosition(Vector3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
ballFrictionNode->SetPosition(Vector3(1.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
auto* constraintFriction = boxFrictionNode->CreateComponent<ConstraintFriction2D>(); // Apply ConstraintDistance2D to box
constraintFriction->SetOtherBody(ballFrictionNode->GetComponent<RigidBody2D>()); // Constraint ball to box
//constraintFriction->SetMaxForce(10.0f); // ballBody.mass * gravity
//constraintDistance->SetMaxTorque(10.0f); // ballBody.mass * radius * gravity
// Create a ConstraintGear2D
CreateFlag("ConstraintGear2D", -4.97f, -1.0f); // Display Text3D flag
Node* baseNode = box->Clone();
auto* tempBody = baseNode->GetComponent<RigidBody2D>(); // Get body to make it static
开发者ID:rokups,项目名称:Urho3D,代码行数:67,代码来源:Urho2DConstraints.cpp示例9: ApplyNode
virtual void ApplyNode(Node &node) {