本文整理汇总了C#中BuildingBlock类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# BuildingBlock类的具体用法?C# BuildingBlock怎么用?C# BuildingBlock使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Person
internal Person(int id, double movementSpeed, BuildingBlock position)
if (id <= 0)
{ /* Negative or zero-valued id means this is a totally new person */
int newID;
newID = _idCounter++;
} while (IdsInUse.Contains(newID));
ID = newID;
/* non-zeroed, positive value means this is an existing person */
if (IdsInUse.Contains(id))
throw new PersonException($"A user with ID {id} already exists!");
ID = id;
PersonInteractionStats = new DataSimulationStatistics();
// 3 - 8 kmt
MovementSpeed = movementSpeed < 3 ? 3 + Rand.NextDouble() * 5 : movementSpeed; // Less than 5 means that it was not created.
MovementSpeed = 3 + Rand.NextDouble() * 5;
MovementSpeedInMetersPerSecond = (MovementSpeed * 1000) / 60 / 60;
Position = position;
//If their position is int16.maxvalue, if the priority is not assigned == That there is no path,
//They will not be touched in the simulation, but will be added to the counter in CP_SimulationStats
if (position.Priority == Int16.MaxValue)
NoPathAvailable = true;
OriginalPosition = position;
开发者ID:pprintz,项目名称:p2,代码行数:33,代码来源:Person.cs示例2: DiagonalDistanceToIfXDistanceIsSmalerThenYDistanceTest
public void DiagonalDistanceToIfXDistanceIsSmalerThenYDistanceTest()
BuildingBlock pointOne = new BuildingBlock(0, 0);
BuildingBlock pointTwo = new BuildingBlock(2, 1);
var distance = pointOne.DiagonalDistanceTo(pointTwo);
Assert.AreEqual(1 + Math.Sqrt(2), distance);
开发者ID:pprintz,项目名称:p2,代码行数:7,代码来源:TileTests.cs示例3: Area
public Area(string name, List<IAreaConnector> inputs)
: base(new List<BuildingBlock>())
_name = name;
_boundBuildingBlock = null;
_inputs = inputs;
开发者ID:alect,项目名称:Puzzledice,代码行数:7,代码来源:Area.cs示例4: DiagonalDistanceHalfOfIntMax
public void DiagonalDistanceHalfOfIntMax()
BuildingBlock pointOne = new BuildingBlock(Int32.MaxValue / 2, Int32.MaxValue / 2);
BuildingBlock pointTwo = new BuildingBlock(0, 0);
var distance = pointOne.DiagonalDistanceTo(pointTwo);
Assert.AreEqual((Int32.MaxValue / 2) * Math.Sqrt(2), distance);
开发者ID:pprintz,项目名称:p2,代码行数:7,代码来源:TileTests.cs示例5: BuildingPartDestroyedEvent
public BuildingPartDestroyedEvent(BuildingBlock buildingBlock, HitInfo info)
BuildingPart = new BuildingPart(buildingBlock);
Info = info;
string bonename = StringPool.Get(info.HitBone);
HitBone = bonename == "" ? "unknown" : bonename;
开发者ID:Notulp,项目名称:Pluton.Rust,代码行数:7,代码来源:BuildingPartDestroyedEvent.cs示例6: DiagonalDistanceToIfYDistanceIsSmalerThenXDistanceTest
public void DiagonalDistanceToIfYDistanceIsSmalerThenXDistanceTest()
BuildingBlock pointOne = new BuildingBlock(1, 2);
BuildingBlock pointTwo = new BuildingBlock(1, 1);
var distance = pointOne.DiagonalDistanceTo(pointTwo);
Assert.AreEqual(1, distance);
开发者ID:pprintz,项目名称:p2,代码行数:7,代码来源:TileTests.cs示例7: DiagonalDistanceToIfYDistanceIsEqualToXDistanceTest
public void DiagonalDistanceToIfYDistanceIsEqualToXDistanceTest()
BuildingBlock pointOne = new BuildingBlock(10, 10);
BuildingBlock pointTwo = new BuildingBlock(0, 0);
var distance = pointOne.DiagonalDistanceTo(pointTwo);
Assert.AreEqual(10 * Math.Sqrt(2), distance);
开发者ID:pprintz,项目名称:p2,代码行数:7,代码来源:TileTests.cs示例8: areaGeneratePuzzle
public PuzzleOutput areaGeneratePuzzle(BuildingBlock buildingBlockToBind)
if (_verbose) Debug.Log("spawning Area: " + _name);
if (_boundBuildingBlock != null) {
if (_verbose) Debug.Log("Area already bound to another building block!");
return new PuzzleOutput();
else {
foreach (IAreaConnector input in _inputs) {
PuzzleOutput possibleInput = input.areaGeneratePuzzle(this);
if (possibleInput == null)
_input = input;
_boundBuildingBlock = buildingBlockToBind;
PuzzleOutput result = new PuzzleOutput();
// Add an area connection relationship here
AreaConnectionRelationship connectionRelationship = input.makeConnection(this);
return result;
return null;
开发者ID:alect,项目名称:Puzzledice,代码行数:30,代码来源:Area.cs示例9: DiagonalDistanceTo
public double DiagonalDistanceTo(BuildingBlock point)
double xDistance = Math.Abs(X - point.X);
double yDistance = Math.Abs(Y - point.Y);
if (xDistance > yDistance)
return Math.Sqrt(2) * yDistance + 1 * (xDistance - yDistance);
return Math.Sqrt(2) * xDistance + 1 * (yDistance - xDistance);
开发者ID:pprintz,项目名称:p2,代码行数:8,代码来源:Tile.cs示例10: DiagonalDistanceHalfOfIntMin
public void DiagonalDistanceHalfOfIntMin()
int min = (Int32.MinValue + 1) / 2;
BuildingBlock pointOne = new BuildingBlock(min, min);
BuildingBlock pointTwo = new BuildingBlock(0, 0);
var distance = pointOne.DiagonalDistanceTo(pointTwo);
Assert.AreEqual((Math.Abs(min) * Math.Sqrt(2)), distance);
开发者ID:pprintz,项目名称:p2,代码行数:8,代码来源:TileTests.cs示例11: BuildingPartGradeChangeEvent
public BuildingPartGradeChangeEvent(BuildingBlock bb, BuildingGrade.Enum bgrade, BasePlayer player)
BuildingPart = new BuildingPart(bb);
Builder = Server.GetPlayer(player);
grade = bgrade;
HasPrivilege = (bool)bb.CallMethod("CanChangeToGrade", bgrade, player);
开发者ID:Notulp,项目名称:Pluton,代码行数:8,代码来源:BuildingPartGradeChangeEvent.cs示例12: BuildingEvent
public BuildingEvent(Construction construction, Construction.Target target, BuildingBlock bb, bool bNeedsValidPlacement)
Builder = Server.GetPlayer(target.player);
BuildingPart = new BuildingPart(bb);
Construction = construction;
Target = target;
NeedsValidPlacement = bNeedsValidPlacement;
开发者ID:Notulp,项目名称:Pluton,代码行数:8,代码来源:BuildingEvent.cs示例13: PropertyChangePuzzle
public PropertyChangePuzzle(BuildingBlock changerInput, BuildingBlock changeeInput,
string desiredPropertyName, object desiredPropertyVal)
: base(new List<BuildingBlock>() { changerInput, changeeInput })
_changerInput = changerInput;
_changeeInput = changeeInput;
_desiredPropertyName = desiredPropertyName;
_desiredPropertyVal = desiredPropertyVal;
开发者ID:alect,项目名称:Puzzledice,代码行数:9,代码来源:PropertyChangePuzzle.cs示例14: areaDespawnItems
public void areaDespawnItems(BuildingBlock possibleBind)
if (_verbose) Debug.Log(string.Format("Attempting to despawn items for area {0}", _name));
if (possibleBind == _boundBuildingBlock) {
if (_verbose) Debug.Log(string.Format("Successfully despawning items for area {0}", _name));
_boundBuildingBlock = null;
开发者ID:alect,项目名称:Puzzledice,代码行数:9,代码来源:Area.cs示例15: addBlockToList
private void addBlockToList(BuildingBlock buildingBlock, DateTime dateTime)
KeyValuePair<BuildingBlock, DateTime> newKVP = new KeyValuePair<BuildingBlock, DateTime>(buildingBlock, dateTime);
if (!this.upgradedBuildingBlocks.Exists(x => x.Key.Equals(newKVP.Key)))