雅典是奥运会起源的地方。曾举办过第一届1896年奥运会。 雅典,希腊首都,古代的城邦国家,位于巴尔干半岛南端,三面环山,一面傍海,西南距爱琴海法利龙湾8公里,属亚热带地中海气候。基菲索斯河和伊利索斯河穿城而过。市内多小山。 雅典是用她的保护神智慧女神雅典娜的名字命名的历史古城。是希腊最大的城市,面积90万公顷,人口307.3万(1993年数据),另外估计有50万流动人口,整个城市人口约占希腊全国人口的1/3。 雅典是驰名世界的文化古城,对欧洲及世界文化产生过重大影响,有「西方文明的摇篮」美誉。 场地介绍是指甚么?或者你去 呢个网站啊 有好多关于28届奥运的资料 sportsnt/Contents/FairDouble_02?struct_id=4177
参考: zh. *** /wiki/%E9%9B%85%E5%85%B8
拿到奥运资格原因: 雅典曾经竞争1996年百年奥运,但是在1990年9月18日,历经五轮投票之后败给美国的亚特兰大。虽然遭到挫败,但是雅典仍继续申请主办2004年奥运会,又是经过五轮的激烈竞争,终于这次击败其他的竞争对手,取得第二十八届奥运会的承办权,距离第一届现代奥运会,已经108年才又回到奥运会的故乡。 申请主办2004年第二十八届奥运会的共有11个城市,分别是希腊的雅典、阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯、南非的开普敦、土耳其的伊斯坦堡、巴西的里约热内卢、义大利的罗马、法国的里耳、美国的圣胡安、西班牙的塞维尔、瑞典的斯德哥尔摩以及俄罗斯的圣彼德堡。 这是有史以来争办奥运会城市最多的一次,经过国际奥会评估委员会根据各城市所具备的条件,筛选出五个决选城市,分别是雅典、布宜诺斯艾利斯、开普敦、罗马和斯德哥尔摩。 1997年国际奥会第106届年会在瑞士洛桑举行,对五个城市进行最后投票,经过四轮竞争,雅典都是最高票,但票数却未过半。第五轮投票是雅典与罗马两个城市的对决,雅典才以66票对41票赢得2004年第二十八届奥运会的承办权。 场地简介: hokkaido/sport/olympic/olmp_st
篇一: 雅典奥运英语作文 Since I watch the 2004 Olympics, the in the mind have a kind of unspeakable joy and excitement, China won 32 gold MEDALS, this is what makes us proud! When the Olympics last time and again played the national anthem, again and again raised a red flag with five stars and I'm excited tears streamed!
This is a what a exciting in the morning. China's youth - liu xiang, with 91 seconds to win the men's 110 - meter hurdles gold medal! Hanging when he is on the hurdles, my heart, lest he accidentally wrong, when he ran to the finish line ahead, our whole family all cheered. He ran, with the five-star red flag, the audience are boiling up and cheered for him, and proud of him, for his proud! Dad excitedly said: "liu xiang has finally won a hurdles gold medal for China, he did not for our Chinese losing face!" I am also very excited, thinking: liu xiang won a gold medal is the first Asian Olympic hurdler athletes, this is worth hundreds of millions of Chinese people proud!
篇二:2004年雅典奥运会 Watched the 28th Athens Olympic Games, I feel a lot, especially let me see the Chinese athletes in adhering to the spirit of courage, and let those who once laughed at us is "the sick man of Asia" foreigners look at our Chinese power. Let the Olympic Games to prove our strength, let us shout: "Chinese proud!"
"After China frog" luo xuejuan and helenaqi together in the women's 100 m breaststroke game started swimming won the first gold for China's most powerful impact, in the end, from zhejiang young luo xuejuan in 1 minute, 6 seconds 64 won the title, add a gold for the Chinese delegation. When luo xuejuan stood on the podium in the women's 100 m breaststroke, holding a gold medal, the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, she had tears, thrilled. In the women's individual medley race, she is ill, appears in the game "tic discomfort water, more than any other player sent a lot, but she bite the bullet and exerted all his strength, swam all the way, even by the coach drew ashore. Although there is no gold medal, but her strong will let people around the world, we Chinese feel proud.
篇三:雅典奥运会 Beijing time 16:00, highly anticipated battle over the first gold medal in Athens Olympic Games kicked off in the gunfire. After eight sharpshooter for 40 minutes. China's du li has been lagging behind, most of the time in the war enthusiasm, to last hit 502 points, won the first gold medal of the games, also won the first gold medal for the Chinese Olympic delegation. While another Chinese player Zhao Yinghui was fourth. Let's review the hardships of the birth of the first gold medal.